
     The Diversity Attention Consortium consists of the CFIE (Centro de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa) and two educational centres (CEIP Villa Romana and CRA Villaquilambre) in the province of León. Two professionals who provide full-time and permanent care to students with specific educational needs (ACNEE) with a profile of Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language, will carry out four mobilities.

     This consortium is based on a tangible need such as the progressive increase in the number of Diversity Attention students; as well as the increasing number of pupils attending school with new diagnoses that raise the need to know and put into practice new methodologies, resources, materials and techniques in different areas of the curriculum.All this in order to give an adequate, innovative and quality response to the students with whom they work from a European teaching framework in which the professional growth of their teachers is also fostered, seeking internationalisation throughout the process. 

    We want our students to benefit from the specific European methodologies that exist in the fields of INCLUSIVE EDUCATION and ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY as a tool that allows them to "learn to learn", carry out significant learning and facilitate their proper integration and inclusion in the world around them. For this reason, we are committed to a comprehensive education that takes into account cognitive, communicative-linguistic, social and emotional aspects. The aim is to achieve an updating and methodological modernization for this type of students by promoting the innovative character, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through educational software, the use of Tablets...

   The consortium is at an optimum level, as it has the CFIE (Centro de Formación del Profesorado e Innovación Educativa) as a member of the consortium, guaranteeing its diffusion, with definitive personnel in the staff of educational centres with a high degree of training and teaching experience. They are part of different quality experiences and participate in the continuous training activities proposed by different institutional bodies.

    The consortium has extensive experience in the field of Diversity Attention and maintains continuous and systematic relationships with different organizations, Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance Teams, Early Care Teams, Specific Hearing Impairment Equipment, Motor Vehicles.... It is here, where the Erasmus + project provides us with the opportunity to observe and learn from other European organisations specific methodologies that we want to impart in the member centres of the consortium, being Italy an appropriate country to achieve this end.

    The objectives we aim to achieve are as follows:
Improve the attention to diversity and update the methodological competence in the different areas of the educational curriculum using the European model as a reference.
Improve the quality of teaching-learning processes in educational areas and the individualized educational response of students with specific educational needs.
Orient, collaborate and make the new European methodologies and resources known to families and the rest of the educational community.
To get to know other European Educational Systems in the area of "Inclusive Education" and "Attention to Diversity" by internationalizing the consortium.
To develop the consortium by enabling lifelong learning, creativity and innovation through the Arts Education area.
To train European citizens with a special interest in the "TRANSITION TO ADULT LIFE" of our students with specific educational needs.

    In order to achieve these objectives, we have selected four mobilities consisting of carrying out four structured training courses, in which two of them include job-shadowing sessions. The training courses are part of inclusive education and Care for Diversity. Both professionals, both in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Audition and Language, will take the same course since they belong to different professional profiles and educational centres. The course content is considered relevant to both profiles.